Thursday, November 28, 2013

Blogpost #10: Computers Take Over

It may sound a lot like the plot of “The Terminator,” but computer technology is advancing daily and some believe that self-aware machines could take over the world. After all, there are few areas of life where computers don’t intrude; they run banks, hospitals, stock markets and airports. Previously, computers were only as good as the humans using them, but what if independently acting machines would be capable of outsmarting or destroying their creators.


I found in a recent article about "11 ways the world could end" in ( earth-matters/11-ways-the-world-as-we-know-it-could-end/computers-take) where "Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking thinks computers could be a threat and argues that humans should be genetically engineered in order to compete with the phenomenal growth of artificial intelligence. In a recent interview he even said, “The danger is real that they could develop intelligence and take over the world.” The idea of a computer takeover may sound absurd, but you never know, we could be in the Matrix right now."

Robots can do a lot for us: they can explore space or they can cut our toenails. But do advances in robotics and artificial intelligence hold hidden threats? 


I've come to a site which was entitled  "When Science Meets Sci-Fi. Could Robots Really Take Over The World?" in ( /science meets-sci-fi-robots-really-take-world/) that talks about: "The theoretical moment when artificial intelligence surpasses humankind is known as ‘the singularity’ and according to some people – and these people aren’t all odd eccentrics standing on street corners, without any shoes on, ranting – the singularity is not far away from taking place. In 2011, Ray Kurzweil, Director of Engineering at Google, argued that it appeared increasingly likely that the singularity will occur around 2045. He told Time magazine: “We will successfully reverse-engineer the human brain by the mid-2020s. By the end of that decade, computers will be capable of human-level intelligence.”

During our series on the Generation of Disability, we’ve been ringing the praises of the advancement towards autonomous human robots of the sci-fi ilk, which could really benefit the less able. Robots with incredible levels of dexterity and function already exist, and can aid and assist the less able and even provide a level of companionship. These robots aren’t available to buy yet but the technology is basically all there. Research into cognitive, autonomous ‘brains’ is progressing all the time too, but we have to pause to consider the potential problems that it could bring.

"By the end of the century, the entire solar system -- planets, moons and asteroids -- will be explored and mapped by flotillas of tiny robotic craft" - Martin Reese

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Blogpost 9: Man’s Denial will cause his Own Extinction (Global Warming)

We have already known that global warming has been evidently occurring in the past years. Tons of researches were made to justify it. Thousands of documentaries in the TV show its adverse effects in animals, sea-life, plantation, and even on us humans. The degree to which it’s intensifying is seen in the recorded history of the whole world. But the sad truth about this is people are denying of its reality.

 Why would such people say this? In my research, I found out that the issue is seen more politically than it is catastrophically. In an article I've found entitled “Global Warming Conspiracy Theory” stated that “the science behind global warming has been invented or distorted for financial or ideological reasons.” It also identified the following motives of why global warming was formed to be the following:·  "A desire on the part of the United Nations and its supporters to promote a system of world government or global governance. ·  A desire on the part of climate science researchers to attract financial support.·  What Melanie Phillips described as "yet another variation of left-winganti-American, anti-west ideology which goes hand in hand with anti-globalisation." ·  A desire on the part of conservative political leaders including Margaret Thatcher, and Helmut Kohl to promote nuclear power while attracting the political support of Green groups
·  A desire on the part of leftwing political leaders to promote socialism.

In my reaction, even if these motives have a hint of reality, the global catastrophe is still unfolding each year we don’t do anything about it. In my quest to find out the truth, I manage to find some factual information regarding why people would even accuse the scientists and politicians proving climate change.

I’ve found out that on reading an article entitled “The Truth About Denial” by Sharon Begley which was released by Newsweek. The article talks about the issues regarding the whole denial of global warming and its impact to the global public. The arguments where all connected to the largest oil distributor in the world called ‘ExxonMobil’ which is stated that:“A conservative think tank long funded by ExxonMobil, she told Boxer, had offered scientists $10,000 to write articles undercutting the new report and the computer-based climate models it is based on.”
On top of these issues, lots of arguments against global warming were raised. Reading just a few of them already broke my heart. I don’t understand why powerful companies or people would even choose to deny the calamity and even influence people that it is all a hoax just for their own selfish reasons.

I for one, being a Filipino, have seen the horrible loss and suffering that climate change has done. The internationally named typhoon Haiyan just recently showed our nation and hopefully the whole world, what abusing nature could do. We have suffered so much as a nation, losing thousands of lives and money.

If this is what climate change can do even if it is just starting on its phase, nobody could imagine what devastation it would bring upon the earth if it would continue. All those catastrophes it would unleash just because men denied of its reality for selfish gain.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blogpost 8 : End of the World Hidden in Art

Everything around us is art. A person who does not appreciate art is lifeless, because we were all made out of art. “Your mother’s vulva is the canvas and your dad’s phallus is the paintbrush.” A quote from a movie I’ve watched last weekend entitled “This is the End” You might think of this quote inappropriate and I do too at first, but that’s the only way I can make you appreciate art which is by inclining it to your life. Moreover that’s the thing about art, you’ll never learn to appreciate it unless you begin to put yourself into it and learn to break it down to smaller pieces and decode each little portion.

 I’ve come across an article entitled “Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’” by anonymous in Worldwide Religious News which talks about the painting of Leonardo Da Vinci of “The Last Supper”. Researchers try to decode and break down the smallest details of the painting to try to unravel the hidden messages depicting the end of the world.

Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, created an interesting visual effect by overlaying a semitransparent, mirrored version of the painting on top of the original. The result is that two figures that look like Templar knights appear at both ends of the table, while someone who is possibly holding an infant stands to Jesus' left. “Sabrina Sforza Galitzia said the clues were to be found in da Vinci’s Last Supper mural. The central half-moon window, or lunette, above his painting of Christ with his disciples before the Crucifixion contains a “mathematical and astrological” puzzle which she has deciphered, she said. She claimed to have worked out that da Vinci foresaw the end of the world in a “universal flood” which would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 the same year. Documents showed that he believed that this would mark “a new start for humanity”, Ms Sforza Galitzia said.”

Art and its elements can be seen in things that we see everyday. In every object we see, in our nature and even when we simply write a poem for someone there is art. And it’s amazing how we can interpret such things from everything we see around us; of how we see different shapes or animals just by looking at the clouds in the sky, how we interpret what people really mean through their poems or letters, or simply just by the paintings that we see in museums like how Sabrina Galitzia interpreted Da Vinci’s painting of “The Last Supper”.

On the contrary, I doubt Sabrina Galitzia’s opinion about the end of the world in Da Vinci’s painting because there are many things that you can interpret from overlaying a semitransparent, mirrored version of the painting and there are even hundreds of explanations that were published talking about their interpretations about painting.

In my research I found an article entitled “Leonardo Da Vinci’s last Supper” from ( states that: “A large part of the blame lies with Leonardo da Vinci himself of course. Quixotically he chose to complete his masterpiece with oil paint (a far less reliable medium in Renaissance times than today) rather than with the fast-drying and stable watercolour fresco technique. Within five years the painting was crumbling.  which resulted the masterpiece to produce different kinds of images when overlayed. 

But all in all, I believe that people are entitled to their own opinion. And we can never question anyone's interpretation of anything because each one of us has a different way of looking into the things that surrounds us, it is still up to us if we'll consider their interpretation as the truth.

All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche