Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blogpost 7: The Economic Time-bomb

Economists and most professionals believed that the most possible way that the world could end is through the economic downfall of the U.S., different studies and research shows that this was possible because of how vast its economy can affect almost all of the countries in the world, especially those countries that rely too much on the trade of the U.S.

My dad often lectures me about how the economy works and how money plays its role in the economy which made me interested more about doing this research on how economic collapse can end the world.

I've watched a documentary film in National Geographic just last weekend called “Doomsday Preppers” which was entitled “Economic Collapse and how it could End the World.” From the documentary, it was described that the collapse of the dollar will throw the world into a global depression because if the United State’s economy collapses, the tendency is for them to abruptly shut down all their market trades with all of their joint ventures [different countries] which will make countries furious and was even believed that such scenario can lead to another world war.

I’ve researched an article entitled “What The Dollar's Collapse Will Mean To The World” in rense by Bruce Porteous. An article which talks about what nations will be affected in the collapse of the dollar and how it will affect the entire world. And that Predictions about the potential effects on the global economy of a U.S. default have verged on the apocalyptic:

The collapse of the dollar will throw the world into a global depression. Those nations with large external debts will not be able to trade sufficiently to earn the income to service their debts, and will slide into bankruptcy. The economies of New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK will also totally collapse, as a result of their indebtedness and not being able to service their borrowings. It will result in the Anglo-Saxon nations facing abject poverty, our people facing starvation, and a total break-down in society. Crime will become rampant. Law and order will cease to exist. Disease will become widespread.

The Asian economies, which have depended upon American trade, will also be severely affected. Riots will rapidly spread around the world.”

I grew more enthusiastic about having to research on this topic because of this article for the reason that I develop a sense of awareness and was open to new things and I didn’t think that it was ever possible that the fall of just a single economy can immensely affect so many countries.

And as I continue my research I found an article that discuss about “The Coming Economic Crash Caused by World Debt” From by Don Koenig which may supports my first article that talks about the possibility of the economy downfall of US ending the world, it was stated in that:

“Almost every nation of the world has such severe debt that just making the interest payments takes a large amount of their financial resources. Much of this world debt is owed to world bankers that then dictate their own economic policy to these countries. These policies do not favor the poor. 

The largest economy in the world is the United States. The US government is currently 17 trillion dollars in debt and I project that to go to at least 25 trillion by 2020. Paying the interest on that huge debt in future years will cost as much as what is now spent on national defense (using modern historical interest rates and the cost of defense under normal peace time conditions).”

riot police artwork HD Wallpaper

We are living in a world that we have to continuously remind ourselves each day when we wake up that the world we are living at is becoming increasingly unstable, and the potential for an event that could cause the economy downfall or sudden change to the U.S. economy is greater than everWe have to learn to be aware of these phenomenons because one may not foretell when these events would already be a default verged on the apocalyptic.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blogpost 6: The Eruption that will End it All

Men have always been terrified of volcano eruptions. From the very first recorded volcano eruption that desecrated a city, up to the latest activities these volcanoes emit, people have been afraid to what catastrophe these volcanoes bring about. One of the biggest recorded eruptions was caused by Mount St. Helens in 1980 in which its eruption was equivalent to 1,600 times the atomic bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima. 

I remember I was alarmed and concerned for my relatives when I heard a news that the Taal Volcano warning level was raised. I heard in the news that it had the potential to erupt and that people were being evacuated in the said area. But I have learned that there is this eruption that could wipe out all humanity as we know it. Even if we some up all the past recorded events that these volcanoes all over the world have done, it wouldn't compare to what a super volcano can do.

According to an article that I have read in about "Super Volcanic Eruptions with the Potential to End Civilizations - Disturbing New Discovery" The Yellowstone National Park is one of the well featured tourist spots in America. However, this natural wonder has a terrifying past. It was said that it formed 640,000 years ago by a so-called super eruption. It was a product of a major eruption which was a thousand times more powerful than the Mount St. Helens explosion. In this article it was also stated that:

"Some 600,000 years ago there was a colossal cauldron of magma, a supervolcano, that exploded with such violence that it left an ash layer almost ten feet deep a thousand miles away in eastern Nebraska killing all plant life and covering almost all of the United States west of the Mississippi. Modern geological surveys have shown that this supervolcano erupts catastrophically every 600,000 years, and the land that supervolcano is trapped in was called by Blackfoot Indians 'the land of evil spirits' -what we call today, Yellowstone National Park."

Being able to know this I didn't expect it was ever possible that an eruption from a super volcano can affect such a really large area that an explosion almost amounts to 1,600,000 atomic bombs. And that from the article that the Yellowstone erupts every 600,000 years and the last eruption was over 640,000 years ago which means that it is already 40,000 years overdue. Furthermore scientist revealed that the ground underneath Yellowstone National Park is rising at a record rate of 3 inches per year. 

From another article in entitled "Yellowstone Supervolcano Alert: The Most Dangerous Volcano In America Is Roaring To Life" I have learned that what is going on at the Yellowstone is so important that everyone should know about it because a full-scale eruption of Yellowstone would cover virtually the entire midwest United States with volcanic ash.  Food production in America and half of the world would be almost totally wiped out. And the most alarming part that I have read in this article is that: 

"There will be a  “volcanic winter” that would happen after a massive Yellowstone eruption that would cause radically cool the whole planet.  Some scientists believe that global temperatures would decline by up to 20 degrees." 

And it was even believed that the so-called "volcanic winter" can cover the whole planet and wouldn't let any light from the sun enter the earth for up to 300 years. And that America and the whole world would never be the same again after a massive Yellowstone eruption.  Some scientists even believed that a full eruption by Yellowstone would render two-thirds of the United States completely uninhabitable.

The eruption of super volcano will bring about another ice age that will end the world's entire civilization. And no life would exist for another hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. Now should be the time that we prepare for the worse.

Blogpost 5: Alien Invasion in Movies

We have all dreamed one point in our lives that we would see an alien someday. A creature that comes from somewhere other than the planet Earth, whose out to discover new things and perhaps observes earth looking for the right time to invade it.

Growing up as a child, I have watched a lot of sci-fi horror movies. One of which about aliens invading the world and because of these movies it made me have this belief that aliens are those beings that are out there to attack earth and steal our resources for the benefit of themselves. 

In the movie War of the Worlds they portray aliens as those three-legged beings or giant tripod fighting machines that gives off a loud blaring sound before opening fire with heat-rays, vaporizing bystanders and destroying everything in its path.

I have read an article in entitled “Possibilities of Aliens Existing and Destroying Planet Earth” that aliens are beings who uses everything in its resources [their planet] and go in search for more planets to harvest materials in improving their spaceships. One of the statements that made me interested in their article is this:

“Aliens are beings who live in massive ships that used up all their resources from their home planet, such advanced aliens looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach [including earth]. If so it makes sense to them to exploit each new planet and materials to build more spaceships so they could move on and having to.”

Coming to know about this, I was truly aware of the possibilities of aliens finding the earth and having to invade human race, exploit our resources, and perhaps give the world an end.

From another Article from the entitled “Aliens to Attack Earth in 2013” that may support my first article talks about scientists’ prediction of alien spaceships to attack earth because of the continuous increase UFO encounters – as documented on WWN.  And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization,  made a major announcement that:

“Three giant spaceships are heading toward Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter.  Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by the October,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.

It was also mentioned in the article that three similar giant ships landed in China and the Indonesia Sea in November, 2011.  

The possibility of an alien existing and invading earth is possible if you come to think of how vast the galaxy and of it containing billions of stars, and if a fraction of those stars have Earth-like planets, then hundreds or maybe even thousands -- of alien civilizations must exist across the cosmos. A good friend once shared to me a documentary film that was given to them by their professor about the possibilities of Aliens existing and decoding it from the documentary film entitled “Ancient Aliens – The Da Vinci Conspiracy.”  Made me wonder more of a creature that comes from somewhere other than the planet Earth, out to discover new things and perhaps observes earth just looking for the right time to invade it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blogpost 4: Zombie Apocalypse as the End of the World

           You are walking alone on your way home in a dark alley on a rainy night with streetlights far away from each other, when suddenly you encountered a lump person moving towards you. You thought he was only begging for money, and you wanted to help him, you were about to approach him when suddenly he came sprinting towards you, you were shocked and unable to move as he draws closer and closer to you, when you got our of your senses and was about to run, this person grabbed your arm and bite it. You were struggling to get your hands away from him, you screamed really loud, when on a spur of moment.. you fell on the ground.

              I, myself have considered our generation living in an apocalyptic time, a generation that is plunged into watching movies about zombies like; Land of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Rise of the Dead, Zone of the Dead, the most recent zombie movie which is The World War Z, or even the most popular TV series of zombies which is the Walking Dead. And have you noticed that in earlier times zombies in movies walk slowly?  Well this is because it is believed that the zombies in movies represent us people, that before we have these technologies that makes our life easier got invented, we used to live a slow life or in other words our transportation before used to be so idle and our work gets done very slowly but because of the vast production of advanced technology our work gets done very quickly and a country from all across the globe can only be a 12 hour plane ride. Or for some they say that movies portray zombies as a pack of people who were resurrected from the dead that could end life here on earth.

          According to Daniel W. Drenzer; an author, he made theories of international politics and zombies said that "zombies only look like people but everything human about them was already taken away, they are living dead who eats on human flesh." 

          I have read an article by Eric Spitznagel talking about "George Romero's Theory of Zombies" that says that for us to understand zombies we have to know where they came from. So I've continued my research and I found out that our modern zombies came from the 1968 by the known director named George Romero who directed the movie Night of the Living Dead, and the one who re-write the book of zombies into an apocalyptic creature. And Romero's theory about the zombie apocalypse scared thousands of people in 1968 and after his movie being released many zombie films were created since September 11, 2001. But Romero isn't the one who invented the so-called creature, but was said to have existed the earth even before Romero knew about it. 

          In a Documentary film that I have watched from History Channel about the "History of Zombies" It was said that zombies first appeared in the earliest literature which was called the epic of Gilgamesh. From that literature it was mentioned that He will raise up the dead and they will eat the living, and the dead will out number the living. which made everyone aware since it sounds a lot like an apocalypse. For some articles it says that Zombies came from a voodoo religion in Africa  and was believed as a person who has their mind controlled and is working as a slave. But the voodoo zombie that was originated in Africa didn't stop there, it even ended up in Haiti which is very different from George Romero's zombie. It was mentioned from a documentary that I have watched that when we look back, we see that most of the civilizations are already afraid of people coming back from the dead. In China the living dead are called "Jiang Shi" which is said to be a terrible hungry ghost that returns to devour not only the living but its own family for not being perfectly burried. Because in China they make sure the corpse is buried perfectly to make sure that they wont come back to attack the living. Another zombie was In Arabia 7th century, that was believed that becoming a zombie was a punishment for the living and immoral life. The zombie in Arabia was called "Ghoul" which is believed as a female demon who lived a simple life but is a prostitute and some say that these demon would linger in the dessert to devour men and when it has its victim it turns again into a monster who will eat on its victim's flesh. But as further studies go on it was said that the zombies' most fearsome ancestor was found in Scandinavia in 8th century an undead viking who had a sensationable appetite for human flesh that was called as the "Draugr" who was the most savage zombie in a form of a night out to kill people and eat their flesh which was believed as a zombie who was very unstoppable. But the most closely zombie that was found in England at the 12th century was the zombie called "Revenant". And a man who wrote about the "revenant" was William of Newburgh he described the "Revenant" as hungry spirits was who feed on human flesh and are out there to finish the life of the  living. William of Newburgh wrote that "one would not easily believe that corpses come out of their graves unless there were many cases supported by ample testimony." So many people still continues his studies and his research were very important to the church at that time because they say that his studies would be the answer on how to wipe out these zombies, or what they call as the "Revenant". Many believed that civilization is close to collapse and that the end of the world is coming because there are this many pressing of ideas just waiting for the society to turn down. 

           There was this news that I have read in in Miami last May 29, 2011 which alarmed a lot of people concerning the zombie apocalypse because of a homeless man whose face was viciously chewed off by a 31-year-old naked man in Florida.The news said that when the police arrived on the incident, they warned the man to stand back and stop what he was doing, but he still continued eating the other guy's face so the police was forced to fire a bullet but they said that they fired multiple gunshots when he refused to get off and continue what he was doing. The victiom on the other hand didn't died even though it was said that  "75 to 85 percent of his face was missing."

         My dad who was living in Miami for about 8 years now said that his friends in Miami was so horrified by the incident that they already prepared for the coming of the Zombie Apocalypse thinking that this news from 2011 could be the sign that the end is near.

         But who can blame them? Death is something that men have always feared, but what's more terrifying is when the dead comes back to life and become a zombie. And we are not only afraid of our death but the death of our own entire civilization. So when you're walking alone in a dark alley prepare for anything that may happen for zombies may come back from the dead and they maybe closer than you might think...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blogpost 3: The Agent of an Unparalleled Evil

          Growing up in a Christian family I've always believed that there is a God who made everything in this world. But as I douse deeper into the media's knowledge, I've learned many things about people denying the existence of Christ. They call these group of people a cult, the Antichrist, or what many people consider as the agent of an unparalleled universe. But how will this so-called "Antichrist" be in relation to the end of the world?

          In the many articles I've read people consider the Antichrist as an agent of an unparalleled evil, a person who will be possessed by Satan and will fulfill his mission to destroy the world. And come to think of it we are in a generation living in an apocalyptic time, our world is being plunge into global warming, and rising nuclear threats that came from nations that brings harm. All these things make us believe that an Antichrist may possibly be alive.

           In an article that I have read that was written by an Anonymous in it was said that if you read the new testament in the bible literally, the order would be that the Antichrist will arise and will reign the earth for seven years, and throughout these years it is said that it will cause millions to perish much worst than the second world war. And after this 7 years Christ will return and defeat the Antichrist and initiate a thousand year of godliness on earth. There were many passages from the bible that was mentioned in this documentary that was believed to be describing the Antichrist: 

"His horn has eyes that looks like the eyes of man and a mouth that spoke boastfully."  - Daniel 7:8. 

"He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation." -  Revelations 13:7

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders." - 2 Thessalonians 2:9

"There will be a fourth kingdom strong as iron and this iron breaks things into pieces so it will crash and break others." - Daniel 2:40

According to the bible that was decoded by many prophesies in a documentary that I have watched in History Channel about paranormal television series that decodes the past to foresee what will happen in the future entitled "Antichrist - End of the World." It was said that Antichrist would be a person who has the ability to deceive people because of his words having great mouth speaking of great things, a person that introduces himself as someone who will help you and promotes world peace but instead persecute those who are left behind and may ignite the world war 3. And as what was said in Revelations 13:7 they say that this passage literally means that the Antichrist has indeed the power to rule over the world and he is going to be a political figure of someone who will bring peace at first but will later claim the religions as his own. Ted Haggard, the founder and Pastor of New Life Church even quoted that "The Antichrist will read scriptures from the bible and he will do signs, wonders, and miracles." which means that this person would even use the word of God just to persuade people and to let them know that "he" is good. And as was said by Mr. Robert Fuller, PhD [Prof. of Religion, Bradley University] he described the Antichrist as someone who is a deceiver, a person who will lure all unsuspecting people in fire and away from their communities of faith.

 Another verse from the bible which says that "No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast or the number 666." - Revelation 13:17,18 which was said to become a controversy leading to the U.S. believing that their country was of Antichrist because of it's sole superpower and they see the American empire as a nation that manifests all the characteristics of Antichrist, because of a few politicians using this number, hiding different kinds of subliminal messages in children's cartoons or even in songs and for some because they say that most of the church does not live in he United States and many religious people believed themselves of being oppressed by the American Empire. Another thing is that in this verse it is said that because of technology it is believed that as we buy and sell through the use of bar code the greater possible chances of imminent abuse by the Antichrist over the use of bar code technology.

          And for a long time throughout the history it was believed that the Antichrist could only be the one to foretell what will happen in the future, the one who has the answer to everything, and because of that the Antichrist topped the most wanted list for the last two millennium. Prophesy believers has never stopped hunting for this figure, Christ's evil opponent here on earth taking the human figure. So it's no wonder that some Christians have still been tracking this demonic figure for thousands of years, using clues found in the bible primarily in the book of Daniel and the New Testament; Book of Revelation. But who would know, prophesies believed that after the seven year reign of the Antichrist we would all meet the one who created us all.

 "After that we who are still alive and left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." - Thessalonians 4:17 

And despite being raised by a Christian family, I would always be open to the different theories and studies imparted by science. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blogpost 2: The Perfect Universe.. or is it?

        I have always been fascinated about how perfectly the world was made. How God heed a huge tree from a very small seed, how perfectly heart shaped are the seeds inside the apple when you slice it in half, how the earth was placed at the 3rd axis from the sun, how the earth is the only planet that contains oxygen and water, and how a baby could grow up into a professional person that might just have the chance to change the world and become someone that is legendary or unforgettable. Or for some people, they believe in scientific theories of how the earth was made like the Primordial Soup, Community Clay, Deep-Sea Vents, Chilly Start, RNA World, Big bang theory, and other theories about how the world was made. But the thing that interests me the most is about getting to know how it would be wiped out in a single flash.

           Outer space holds a weapon 100 times deadlier than an atomic bomb. Just a single strike and it can cause blackout to a whole continent. From a documentary I have watched in National Geographic entitled "Solar Flares" it was said that last 13th of March 1989 in Quebec in the city of winter, a sudden a hundred ton transformer on the Montreal overloads and then there was total blackout. If it wasn't for the generators from the U.S., six million people would still be left powerless. It was said that the blackout wasn't cost by a terrorist attack or human error but was of a gigantic explosion 93 million miles away on the sun. On another article I've read Astronomers have conducted a study 3 days before the incident happened in Quebec that there was a sudden burst on the sun's surface, a white flash thousand of miles away from the earth which is millions of degree hot, this powerful energy that was emitted by the sun is called the solar flare. Colored lights danced across the night sky from Alaska to Mexico other people thought it was beautiful, it was indeed but for Quebec it was a huge plunder, a massive devastation. 

At the right side you will see the picture of the area in Quebec that had blackout modified by a satellite photo. Quebec was hit by a solar storm, the explosion was so huge that it was almost impossible to measure. Scientist have foretold that solar flare may strike the earth again and by that time we may not be so lucky. It may strike fields that will cause economic downfall, buildings that will cause it to burn and disintegrate at a blink of an eye, or even worst.. To end life here on earth. Our lives was advanced better now than before but anything that relies on power will be greatly affected by solar storm caused by the solar flare.

How solar flare was made? From another article I've read by Rita Evac entitled "How a Solar Flare Can End the World" the investigation begins 93million miles away from the sun, It was said that the sun is so vast that you can fit one million earths in it with additional rooms to spare and at it's core where the sun's heart lies has the temperature that nothing can compare to the explosion of atomic bombs, dynamites or any man-made weapon. The core of the sun emits energy that is oval shaped that can go around the galaxy for thousands of time.

                                         The picture above shows the solar flares emitted by the
                                                                    core of the sun.

        From the documentary made by The National Geographic they mentioned that when solar flare hits the earth's ground and the explosion may be so powerful that it can blow out a whole continent and the other side of the earth may feel the radiation that may cause a massive devastation to the whole world. Studies like this make me realize that the end of the world is just a race against time that soon may be expired.. So come think of it is the universe really perfectly made? If so howcome different things in the universe cause threats over the life here on earth?

Blogpost 1: How the World Would End

       Picture you and your family having a picnic in a beautiful park. You hear children laughing on the playground, the chirps of the birds, and the sound of splashes of water from the ducks in the pond. You're playing with your boat by the side of the pond when you suddenly hear a woman screamed really loud, you were about to look where the scream came from, when a really bright light coming from the reflection of the pond catches your attention, you look up then *BOOM* and suddenly you can't see anything, all you can hear are people screaming, children crying, your own thoughts and all you can feel is pain. What happens next? They say when you die, the last organ that may still be working on your body is your hearing organ so whisper everything you want a dead person to know before his/her body completely shuts down.

We can never predict when the world is going to end but because of facts and knowledge from science and continued advancements of technology nowadays it may be possible. From a documentary I've watched in National Geographic about "Impact Events and how it can end the world" scientists have studied that because of the expansion of the universe galaxies tend to collide at each other forming a bigger galaxy and thus called an impact event. An impact event is a scenario where 2 objects in outer space collide or comet, meteor, or asteroid hits the earth’s surface. I have read from an article that astronomers call this group of objects that cause impact as bolides, and when this so-called “bolides” enter the earth its speed raises up to 25,000 miles per hour whereas most of it disintegrate while moving through the earth’s atmosphere. According to scientists bolides carry an enormous force that a single bolide is equal to a thousand of dynamites and when it enter the earth’s atmosphere and hits land it can cause a depression which is later called an impact crater. 
Bolides with a diameter smaller than 13ft actually hits the earth about once a year, but we don’t hear much about them because of the earth’s unoccupied domains and large open oceans.

 From an article I've read by an anonymous author entitled "How a Solar Flare Can End the World" it was said that some Impact events have cause major consequences on the earth and one of the most well known is the Cretaceous-Paleogene Event which happened about 65million years ago the meteor was about 6 miles across when it struck the earth in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. This Impact event that happened in Mexico formed a 110mile wide impact crater which caused the extinction of 75% of plant life including the dinosaurs. Scientists at NASA uses a technology to monitor celestial objects to calculate or foresee another impact event.

So next time you're going to visit a park or go out with your family or friends since these events are imminent or unpreventable you're the one who have to adjust. Readers, cherish everything that may come your way, for today may be the end.. Maybe a picnic in a beautiful park with your family may be your last day with them. We may never know..