Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blogpost 2: The Perfect Universe.. or is it?

        I have always been fascinated about how perfectly the world was made. How God heed a huge tree from a very small seed, how perfectly heart shaped are the seeds inside the apple when you slice it in half, how the earth was placed at the 3rd axis from the sun, how the earth is the only planet that contains oxygen and water, and how a baby could grow up into a professional person that might just have the chance to change the world and become someone that is legendary or unforgettable. Or for some people, they believe in scientific theories of how the earth was made like the Primordial Soup, Community Clay, Deep-Sea Vents, Chilly Start, RNA World, Big bang theory, and other theories about how the world was made. But the thing that interests me the most is about getting to know how it would be wiped out in a single flash.

           Outer space holds a weapon 100 times deadlier than an atomic bomb. Just a single strike and it can cause blackout to a whole continent. From a documentary I have watched in National Geographic entitled "Solar Flares" it was said that last 13th of March 1989 in Quebec in the city of winter, a sudden a hundred ton transformer on the Montreal overloads and then there was total blackout. If it wasn't for the generators from the U.S., six million people would still be left powerless. It was said that the blackout wasn't cost by a terrorist attack or human error but was of a gigantic explosion 93 million miles away on the sun. On another article I've read Astronomers have conducted a study 3 days before the incident happened in Quebec that there was a sudden burst on the sun's surface, a white flash thousand of miles away from the earth which is millions of degree hot, this powerful energy that was emitted by the sun is called the solar flare. Colored lights danced across the night sky from Alaska to Mexico other people thought it was beautiful, it was indeed but for Quebec it was a huge plunder, a massive devastation. 

At the right side you will see the picture of the area in Quebec that had blackout modified by a satellite photo. Quebec was hit by a solar storm, the explosion was so huge that it was almost impossible to measure. Scientist have foretold that solar flare may strike the earth again and by that time we may not be so lucky. It may strike fields that will cause economic downfall, buildings that will cause it to burn and disintegrate at a blink of an eye, or even worst.. To end life here on earth. Our lives was advanced better now than before but anything that relies on power will be greatly affected by solar storm caused by the solar flare.

How solar flare was made? From another article I've read by Rita Evac entitled "How a Solar Flare Can End the World" the investigation begins 93million miles away from the sun, It was said that the sun is so vast that you can fit one million earths in it with additional rooms to spare and at it's core where the sun's heart lies has the temperature that nothing can compare to the explosion of atomic bombs, dynamites or any man-made weapon. The core of the sun emits energy that is oval shaped that can go around the galaxy for thousands of time.

                                         The picture above shows the solar flares emitted by the
                                                                    core of the sun.

        From the documentary made by The National Geographic they mentioned that when solar flare hits the earth's ground and the explosion may be so powerful that it can blow out a whole continent and the other side of the earth may feel the radiation that may cause a massive devastation to the whole world. Studies like this make me realize that the end of the world is just a race against time that soon may be expired.. So come think of it is the universe really perfectly made? If so howcome different things in the universe cause threats over the life here on earth?

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