Monday, October 28, 2013

Blogpost 5: Alien Invasion in Movies

We have all dreamed one point in our lives that we would see an alien someday. A creature that comes from somewhere other than the planet Earth, whose out to discover new things and perhaps observes earth looking for the right time to invade it.

Growing up as a child, I have watched a lot of sci-fi horror movies. One of which about aliens invading the world and because of these movies it made me have this belief that aliens are those beings that are out there to attack earth and steal our resources for the benefit of themselves. 

In the movie War of the Worlds they portray aliens as those three-legged beings or giant tripod fighting machines that gives off a loud blaring sound before opening fire with heat-rays, vaporizing bystanders and destroying everything in its path.

I have read an article in entitled “Possibilities of Aliens Existing and Destroying Planet Earth” that aliens are beings who uses everything in its resources [their planet] and go in search for more planets to harvest materials in improving their spaceships. One of the statements that made me interested in their article is this:

“Aliens are beings who live in massive ships that used up all their resources from their home planet, such advanced aliens looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach [including earth]. If so it makes sense to them to exploit each new planet and materials to build more spaceships so they could move on and having to.”

Coming to know about this, I was truly aware of the possibilities of aliens finding the earth and having to invade human race, exploit our resources, and perhaps give the world an end.

From another Article from the entitled “Aliens to Attack Earth in 2013” that may support my first article talks about scientists’ prediction of alien spaceships to attack earth because of the continuous increase UFO encounters – as documented on WWN.  And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization,  made a major announcement that:

“Three giant spaceships are heading toward Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter.  Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by the October,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.

It was also mentioned in the article that three similar giant ships landed in China and the Indonesia Sea in November, 2011.  

The possibility of an alien existing and invading earth is possible if you come to think of how vast the galaxy and of it containing billions of stars, and if a fraction of those stars have Earth-like planets, then hundreds or maybe even thousands -- of alien civilizations must exist across the cosmos. A good friend once shared to me a documentary film that was given to them by their professor about the possibilities of Aliens existing and decoding it from the documentary film entitled “Ancient Aliens – The Da Vinci Conspiracy.”  Made me wonder more of a creature that comes from somewhere other than the planet Earth, out to discover new things and perhaps observes earth just looking for the right time to invade it.

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