Growing up in a Christian family I've always believed that there is a God who made everything in this world. But as I douse deeper into the media's knowledge, I've learned many things about people denying the existence of Christ. They call these group of people a cult, the Antichrist, or what many people consider as the agent of an unparalleled universe. But how will this so-called "Antichrist" be in relation to the end of the world?
In the many articles I've read people consider the Antichrist as an agent of an unparalleled evil, a person who will be possessed by Satan and will fulfill his mission to destroy the world. And come to think of it we are in a generation living in an apocalyptic time, our world is being plunge into global warming, and rising nuclear threats that came from nations that brings harm. All these things make us believe that an Antichrist may possibly be alive.
In an article that I have read that was written by an Anonymous in it was said that if you read the new testament in the bible literally, the order would be that the Antichrist will arise and will reign the earth for seven years, and throughout these years it is said that it will cause millions to perish much worst than the second world war. And after this 7 years Christ will return and defeat the Antichrist and initiate a thousand year of godliness on earth. There were many passages from the bible that was mentioned in this documentary that was believed to be describing the Antichrist:
"His horn has eyes that looks like the eyes of man and a mouth that spoke boastfully." - Daniel 7:8.
"He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation." - Revelations 13:7
"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders." - 2 Thessalonians 2:9
"There will be a fourth kingdom strong as iron and this iron breaks things into pieces so it will crash and break others." - Daniel 2:40
According to the bible that was decoded by many prophesies in a documentary that I have watched in History Channel about paranormal television series that decodes the past to foresee what will happen in the future entitled "Antichrist - End of the World." It was said that Antichrist would be a person who has the ability to deceive people because of his words having great mouth speaking of great things, a person that introduces himself as someone who will help you and promotes world peace but instead persecute those who are left behind and may ignite the world war 3. And as what was said in Revelations 13:7 they say that this passage literally means that the Antichrist has indeed the power to rule over the world and he is going to be a political figure of someone who will bring peace at first but will later claim the religions as his own. Ted Haggard, the founder and Pastor of New Life Church even quoted that "The Antichrist will read scriptures from the bible and he will do signs, wonders, and miracles." which means that this person would even use the word of God just to persuade people and to let them know that "he" is good. And as was said by Mr. Robert Fuller, PhD [Prof. of Religion, Bradley University] he described the Antichrist as someone who is a deceiver, a person who will lure all unsuspecting people in fire and away from their communities of faith.
Another verse from the bible which says that "No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast or the number 666." - Revelation 13:17,18 which was said to become a controversy leading to the U.S. believing that their country was of Antichrist because of it's sole superpower and they see the American empire as a nation that manifests all the characteristics of Antichrist, because of a few politicians using this number, hiding different kinds of subliminal messages in children's cartoons or even in songs and for some because they say that most of the church does not live in he United States and many religious people believed themselves of being oppressed by the American Empire. Another thing is that in this verse it is said that because of technology it is believed that as we buy and sell through the use of bar code the greater possible chances of imminent abuse by the Antichrist over the use of bar code technology.
And for a long time throughout the history it was believed that the Antichrist could only be the one to foretell what will happen in the future, the one who has the answer to everything, and because of that the Antichrist topped the most wanted list for the last two millennium. Prophesy believers has never stopped hunting for this figure, Christ's evil opponent here on earth taking the human figure. So it's no wonder that some Christians have still been tracking this demonic figure for thousands of years, using clues found in the bible primarily in the book of Daniel and the New Testament; Book of Revelation. But who would know, prophesies believed that after the seven year reign of the Antichrist we would all meet the one who created us all.
"After that we who are still alive and left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." - Thessalonians 4:17
In the many articles I've read people consider the Antichrist as an agent of an unparalleled evil, a person who will be possessed by Satan and will fulfill his mission to destroy the world. And come to think of it we are in a generation living in an apocalyptic time, our world is being plunge into global warming, and rising nuclear threats that came from nations that brings harm. All these things make us believe that an Antichrist may possibly be alive.
In an article that I have read that was written by an Anonymous in it was said that if you read the new testament in the bible literally, the order would be that the Antichrist will arise and will reign the earth for seven years, and throughout these years it is said that it will cause millions to perish much worst than the second world war. And after this 7 years Christ will return and defeat the Antichrist and initiate a thousand year of godliness on earth. There were many passages from the bible that was mentioned in this documentary that was believed to be describing the Antichrist:
"His horn has eyes that looks like the eyes of man and a mouth that spoke boastfully." - Daniel 7:8.
"He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation." - Revelations 13:7
"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders." - 2 Thessalonians 2:9
"There will be a fourth kingdom strong as iron and this iron breaks things into pieces so it will crash and break others." - Daniel 2:40
According to the bible that was decoded by many prophesies in a documentary that I have watched in History Channel about paranormal television series that decodes the past to foresee what will happen in the future entitled "Antichrist - End of the World." It was said that Antichrist would be a person who has the ability to deceive people because of his words having great mouth speaking of great things, a person that introduces himself as someone who will help you and promotes world peace but instead persecute those who are left behind and may ignite the world war 3. And as what was said in Revelations 13:7 they say that this passage literally means that the Antichrist has indeed the power to rule over the world and he is going to be a political figure of someone who will bring peace at first but will later claim the religions as his own. Ted Haggard, the founder and Pastor of New Life Church even quoted that "The Antichrist will read scriptures from the bible and he will do signs, wonders, and miracles." which means that this person would even use the word of God just to persuade people and to let them know that "he" is good. And as was said by Mr. Robert Fuller, PhD [Prof. of Religion, Bradley University] he described the Antichrist as someone who is a deceiver, a person who will lure all unsuspecting people in fire and away from their communities of faith.
Another verse from the bible which says that "No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast or the number 666." - Revelation 13:17,18 which was said to become a controversy leading to the U.S. believing that their country was of Antichrist because of it's sole superpower and they see the American empire as a nation that manifests all the characteristics of Antichrist, because of a few politicians using this number, hiding different kinds of subliminal messages in children's cartoons or even in songs and for some because they say that most of the church does not live in he United States and many religious people believed themselves of being oppressed by the American Empire. Another thing is that in this verse it is said that because of technology it is believed that as we buy and sell through the use of bar code the greater possible chances of imminent abuse by the Antichrist over the use of bar code technology.
And for a long time throughout the history it was believed that the Antichrist could only be the one to foretell what will happen in the future, the one who has the answer to everything, and because of that the Antichrist topped the most wanted list for the last two millennium. Prophesy believers has never stopped hunting for this figure, Christ's evil opponent here on earth taking the human figure. So it's no wonder that some Christians have still been tracking this demonic figure for thousands of years, using clues found in the bible primarily in the book of Daniel and the New Testament; Book of Revelation. But who would know, prophesies believed that after the seven year reign of the Antichrist we would all meet the one who created us all.
"After that we who are still alive and left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air." - Thessalonians 4:17
And despite being raised by a Christian family, I would always be open to the different theories and studies imparted by science.
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